Issued as of Curriculum and Regulations for International Programs Undergraduate Level BE 2557 (2014)
2. Adding and Dropping Courses
3. Deportment During Examination
4. Request to Postpone and Examination
5. Grading
7. Transferring Credits and Leaves of Absence
9. Graduation
11. Registering for Graduation
12. Study for a Second Bachelor’s Degree
13. Assembly
Other Related Regulations and Announcements
– Directive Number 16/2550 Criteria for Tuition and Fees Refunding for Undergraduates
– 2557 Criteria for Transferring Bachelor’s Degree Credits
– Regulations Inter-institutional Education 2551
– Directive Number 12/2552 Regarding: Regulations for Punishing Students for Counterfeit and Forgery
– Re: Scholarships for Payap Students Doing Projects, Theses, Independent Studies