Student Services Guidelines
1. Student services before registration
How to report to the Office of the Registrar (Panyajarn Building, telephone number 053 851 478, ext. 372)
- Students will submit their Letter of Acceptance with a valid passport.
- Students will fill out a registration form.
- Students will obtain a student identification number (ID No) and the details of tuition and fees associated with registering in the program.
- Students will receive a book of curriculum, regulations, and student services guidelines for international students.
- Students will pay tuition and fees at the Finance Office, located adjacent to the Office of the Registrar.
- Students can confirm their ID number at
2. Student services during the registration period
Obtain Student Identification Card
- Students can contact the Office of the Registrar Monday through Friday between the hours of 8.30 and 16.00.
- On the day of the picture-taking, students must wear their Payap University student uniform in accordance with university regulations.
- Students must verify the correctness of their names and other personal information at
- Student must obtain their ID cards within the first two months of their first semester.
- In the event that that ID card becomes lost or stolen, the student must present a police certificate indicating whether the ID card was lost or stolen before the Office of the Registrar can issue a replacement ID card.
- In the event that the student ID card becomes destroyed or expired, the student may request a replacement ID card by filling out a request form and submitting it to the Finance Office, alone with the old student ID card.
- In the event that personal information on the ID card has changed (e.g., name, surname, address, etc.), the student may request a replacement ID card with the updated information by filling out a request form. The student should also include the appropriate documents/certificates which confirm the change of personal information.
“Adding” after the deadline
- Students can “add” courses within 4 weeks after the first registration date.
- Students desiring to add courses after the first registration deadline will have to pay a late registration fee of 50 baht per day, calculated from the first registration date.
- Students must complete a general request form and submit it to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. This form can be downloaded at
- The late registration fee must be paid at the Finance Office.
“Withdrawing” from a course(s)
- Students can withdraw from a course(s) in accordance with the deadline date annouced by the Office of the Registrar.
- Students must complete a general request from and submit it to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. This form can be downloaded at
Verifying timetable, classroom, examination date, examination room, and the university calendar
- All of this information can be found at
- Students must present their student ID card to the Office of the Registrar to receive a leave-of-absence request form.
- Students are allowed to take an extended leave-of-absence for up to two consecutive semesters.
- Students must clear his/her financial obligations/debt with the university prior to requesting a leave-of-absence.
- The administrative fee for processing a leave-of-absence request is 500 Baht.
Extension of the study period
- Students can request a one-year extension of study period after eight years of regular study.
- Students must present his/her student ID card to the Office of the Registrar to receive an extension of study period form.
Registering for graduation
- Students can register for graduation within two weeks for the first day of their final semester.
- Students must complete the registration for graduation form. This form can be downloaded at
- Students must complete a request form for transcripts which must be approved by the Board of Trustees of Payap University.
- Students must verify his/her academic record alone with the registering for graduation form.
- The registering for graduation form must be approved by the student’s academic advisor.
- Submit all documents to the Office of the Registrar.
Important note: It is the student’s responsibility to verify all personal information contained in their academic record. This includes name (spelling) and other personal information. Once the student’s academic record has been submitted to the Office of the Registrar (and ultimately to the Board of Trustee of Payap University), no further changes will be authorized.
Student status approval
- Students must clear his/her own financial obligations/debts with the library and return all items borrowed from the library before submitting a request from fro student status approval.
Transcript request
Students must complete a transcript request from and submit it to the Office of the Registrar. This form can be downloaded at:
Transcript approval
- Students must complete a transcript approval request form. This form can be downloaded at:
- Students must clear his/her own financial obligations/debt with the university and pay the associated fee for this request at the Finance Office.
3. Student services after graduating from Payap University
Receiving a diploma
- Students must complete the required form and submit it to the Office of the Registrar.
- In the event that a student representative is submitting the completed from, she/she must attach the student’s identification card and the representative’s identification card with the request form.
- The student must clear his/her financial obligations/debt with Payap University prior to submitting the form.
Translation of a diploma
- Students may submit form to request translation of their diploma.
- The translation fee of 200 Baht must be paid at the Finance Office.
Online service
- The process for this service is similar to that for registered students at Payap University.
- Students should update their personal information so that they can receive updated information from Payap University in the future.