1.1 Registration for courses must be in according with the plan set forth by the university and must be approved in advance by the student’s academic advisor.
1.2 Students must register together with paying all tuition and fees, taking all the steps at the times stipulated by the university. If this is not done the student will not have the right to register. Any student who does not fully comply with these regulations will not be considered as having registered. Furthermore, any student who has not fully complied has 4 weeks to comply after the normal registration date. After that the student will not be allowed to register under any circumstance.
1.3 Students must comply with the following registration procedures each semester:
1.3.1 Ordinarily students must register for not less than 9 credits and not more than 22 credits per semester. In case the student registers for credits not in accordance with this regulation the student must have permission from the university.
1.3.2 It is absolutely forbidden for students to register for courses which have examinations scheduled at the same time as other courses for which they are registering. In any cases of such conflict the university will not take responsibility and the student will be required to desist from registering for one or the other of the courses without any refunds of fees, and the students may be awarded a W for such a course.
1.3.3 In cases of absolute necessity, as for example when the conflict occurs in the final semester before graduation and both courses are required according to the curriculum, the student must receive permission from the Academic Affairs division in advance in order to register for the courses (in which the examination schedules are in conflict).