The main missions of Payap University include instruction and academic service to the community, emphasizing the development of students and instructors simultaneously, in order to enhance the quality of the instruction and to strengthen it academically and to disseminate it efficiently into society. Thus, turning out high quality graduates is one of the most important functions of the university, and in order for this to be most effective students must be encouraged to engage in self-directed learning. There needs to be supervised practice in developing projects as part of their course work with an instructor providing advice, as well as to enhance the research capacity of graduate students to achieve greater quality and to be able to effectively disseminate their findings into society.
Therefore, Payap University is prepared to partially underwrite undergraduate and graduate student’s projects, theses and independent studies, in order, above all to improve the quality and the educational capacity of students in various departments, along with their ability to further develop them or to disseminate their results, as follows:
Paragraph 1 This announcement is entitled “Payap University Announcement Regarding Scholarship to Underwrite Payap University Students’ Projects, Theses and Independent Studies.”
Paragraph 2 This announcement shall be be in effect on the day following its signing by the President.
Paragraph 3 This announcement shall replace any and all previous principles, announcements or practices which are counter to or in conflict with it.
Paragraph 4: Definitions
– University means Payap University
– President means The President of Payap University
– Student means an undergraduate or graduate students of Payap University
– Thesis means the material of a graduate student in Plan A, using research to substantiate their initial concept to evaluate knowledge or to create new knowledge, gathered under the heading which the student has received permission to research, until it is drawn to a completion, has been evaluated, and produced in a completed from in order to receive a Master’s or Doctoral degree. In the main a thesis is an academic product of a student which has greater extent, higher quality and more advanced content than free elective [independent] studies and other such studies.
– Independent Studies means thesis material, studies, inventions or analyses to develop work using research methods of a graduate student in Plan B, using an educational investigative process to demonstrate the truth of a student’s original concept, collected under the heading that the student has received permission to analyze systematically until concluded in order to receive a Master’s or Doctoral degree.
– A Student’s Project means the outlines for a project or activity that the student is undertaking as part of a practical course the student is taking in that semester.
Paragraph 5 The President shall insure the provisions of this announcement and has the final authority to make changes, enforcements, or to withdraw this announcement.
Section 1 Goals and Objectives
Paragraph 6 To underwrite scholarships for setting up projects, theses, or independent studies at the bachelor’s and graduate level.
Paragraph 7 To underwrite the dissemination of study results by undergraduate and graduate students in academic conferences and academic journals.
Paragraph 8 To enable undergraduate and graduate students who have received these scholarships for projects, these and independent studies to produce effective academic results which can be distributed extensively to the public.
Section 2 Qualifications
Paragraph 9 Applicants for these scholarships must be full-time graduate or undergraduate students registered in the semester for which the scholarships are requested.
Paragraph 10 Applicants must prepare documentation in detail as follows:
10.1 The Name of the Project
10.2 Principles and Rationale
10.3 Objectives
10.4 Anticipated Value
10.5 Definition of Terms (if necessary)
10.6 Extent of the Research
10.7 Review of Literature
10.8 Conceptual Framework for the Research and/or Hypothesis
10.9 Research Methodology
– Selection of samples
– Collection of date
– Evaluation / analysis of data
10.10 Budget
10.11 Procedural plan and schedule
10.12 Name of the one doing the research and of the faculty advisor
10.13 Bibliography
Section 3 Steps to Receive the Scholarships
Paragraph 11 Applicants for these scholarships at the graduate level in programs with a thesis or independent study must have passed the defense of their thesis project or independent study proposal.
Paragraph 12 Undergraduate applicants must have been approved by their advisors.
Paragraph 13 Instructors and/or advisors who have approved the proposals worthy of scholarships offered by the university will submit the proposals to the head of departments and deans for their endorsement.
Paragraph 14 The departments then submit the proposals which have been endorsed to the research unit.
Paragraph 15 The research unit submits them to the Vice President for Academic Affairs to receive the scholarships subsequently.
Paragraph 16 Dates for submission of proposals: Proposals will be accepted from the first to the eighth weeks of each academic semester and announcement of awards will be made in the twelfth week of each academic semester.
Paragraph 17 Value of the scholarships: Awards will be based on merit but not in excess of 10,000 baht (ten thousand Thai baht), and the payment will be as determined by the donor.
Paragraph 18 Reports: A scholarship recipient shall submit a report including one complete copy and a copy in CD-ROM format to the research unit as soon as the study has been evaluated [graded].
Announced this March 13, 2008