5. Grading

5.1 The university will establish times for grading of no less than once per semester. When the final grade for a course has been given that course will be considered to be completed.

5.2 Class attendance.

5.2.1 Students who attend a course for no fewer than 80% of the class hours will have the right to take the final examination. If a students has attended fewer than 80% of the class hours for a course but has more than 70 other behavior points they might receive consideration and be permitted to take the final examination.

5.2.2 If a student has attended fewer than 80% of the class hours for a course and is not permitted to take the final examination they may receive a grade of F, I or W, depending on the situation.

5.3 Letter grades.

5.3.1 The university gives the following letter grades:

Grade Letter Grade Value (per credit) Meaning
80-100 A 4.0 excellent
75-79 B+ 3.5 very good
70-74 B 3.0 good
65-69 C+ 2.5 above adequate
60-64 C 2.0 adequate
55-59 D+ 1.5 poor
50-54 D 1.0 very poor
0-49 F 0 fail

5.3.2 In addition to the letter grades, the instructor may assign other letter grade with the following meanings:

Letter grade Meaning
I Incomplete
W Withdrawn
U Audited (not for academic credit)
P Pass
NP Not Pass
IP The grading is in progress
CE Credits earned through an Examination
CS Credits earned from a Standardized Test
CP Credits earned from submitting a Portfolio
CT Credits earned from assessing a Training
  • The grade of I means that the student was not able to complete the coursework because of unavoidable circumstances. If the student completes the work with the following semester, not including a summer term, the grade of I will be changed to a regular letter grade. If the work is not completed in that time the grade of I will be automatically changed to a grade of F.
  • A grade of W means that the student withdrew from the course with permission and will receive no academic penalty.
  • A grade of U means that the student registered for the course without receiving any academic credit.
  • A grade of P means that the student was able to do satisfactory work in the course, but will not receive credit toward the cumulative grade point average (GPA). The grades of P and NP are usually used for courses which a student must pass in order to have the prerequisites for other courses, or for subjects which the student is interested in studying without receiving credit.
  • A grade of NP means that the student was not able to do satisfactory work in the course. (The grade of NP and P are calculated similarly)
  • A grade of IP means that the grading has not et been completed, or the results have not yet been sent to the registrar. A grade of IP will not be calculated into the grade point average.
  • CE signifies that the student has passed the course by taking an examination provided by the university.
  • CS signifies that student has passed the course by taking a standardized examination. (Note: This applies to only non-Payap students)
  • CP signifies that the student has passed the course by earning credits from submitting a portfolio.
  • CT signifies that the student has passed the course by earning credits from assessing a training, which is organized by a sector other than institutions of higher education.

5.4 Only courses for which the student receives a regular grade (A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D or F) will be included in the student’s cumulative grade point average.

5.5 For every course in which a student takes a final examination and receives a final grade of D or better, it will be considered that the student has passed.