Directive Number 12/2552 Regarding: Regulations for Punishing Students for Counterfeit and Forgery

In order to conform to current laws and practices the Board of Trustees of Payap University has enacted the following regulations for punishing students who counterfeit university documents and/or forge official signatures.

The following is a change to the 12th section of the 2546 Royal Decree on Private Higher Education.

12.2 Discipline and Punishment of Students

12.2.1 Regulations for students who counterfeit and forge [In cases in which] students who counterfeit university documents, whether whole documents or parts, adding or deleting content, or altering actual documents in any way, the academic affairs division will submit the charge and suggested penalty to the president to consider ordering suspension or expulsion in accordance with the severity of the circumstances. [in cases in which] students forge the name of an instructor or the signature of the stamp, onto a document concerning the university, the academic affairs division will submit the charge and suggested penalty to the president to consider ordering suspension or other penalty in accordance with the severity of the circumstances. For repeated offense the academic affairs division shall recommend to the president the expulsion of the student. If students use the documents described above the academic affairs division shall propose to the president penalties as stipulated in those paragraphs.

Put in effect as of December 19th, 2551

Signed by the President on January 22nd, 2552