2. Adding and Dropping Courses

2.1 Courses may be added to those for which the student has already registered during the first week of the semester, or during the first 3 days of the summer term.

2.2 Courses may be dropped [i.e. the students may decide not to take the courses] after a student has registered for them according to the following procedures:

2.2.1 The student must say they are dropping the course within the first week of the regular semester of with in 3 days of the summer term. Those courses will not be recorded in the permanent record.

2.2.2 After the first week of a semester of a semester or the third day of the summer term a student must receive permission from the academic advisor, the instructor of the course and the head of the division or department in which the course is a part and the matter must be taken to the academic affairs and academic services offices at least 3 weeks before the first scheduled day of final examinations for a regular semester of at least 2 weeks before the first scheduled day of final examinations for the summer term. Students will receive a grade of W for such courses. Aside from these stipulations students will not be permitted to drop courses.

Note: for regulations regarding refunds see the Regulation 16/2550 appended.