Visiting Scholar and Workshop, Dr.-Ing. Ingrid Rügge from University of Bremen, Germany

Department of Information Technology is hosting a visiting scholar event featuring Dr.-Ing. Ingrid Rügge, Managing Director of the University of Bremen, Germany. The focus of the event is on developing skills for international cooperation and collaboration with the industry in the context of university education. Dr. Rügge will deliver two presentations, the first addressing how a university can provide soft skill development in a one-hour lecture. The second, a 1.5-hour lecture, will discuss integrating practice-oriented guiding principles into teaching and research through soft skill training, targeting international research and industry collaboration. Additionally, there will be a four-hour interactive workshop for teaching staff and doctoral candidates, covering aspects such as scientific presenting, academic writing, critical thinking, cross-disciplinary communication, and the link between academia and industry, aiming to initiate a discourse on implementing soft-skill training in regular classes.

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