Semester 2, Academic Year 2016

This schedule may change without prior notice as we adjust it to avoid conflicts which may arise. Please periodically refer back to this page for updates.

  • Online Registration starts from Monday, 6 December 2016 8:30:00 to Sunday, 30 December 2016 23:59:00.
  • Semester 2 starts on Wednesday, 4 January 2017.

Consultation Time

If you need a consultation at another time, please make an appointment in advance. Please arrive 5 minutes before your appointment.

Student # E-mail Office Phone Day Time Room Academic Advisor
54xxxxxxxx –
56xxxxxxxx (+66) 53 851 478 – 86 Ext. 7221 Asst. Prof. Seung Hwan Kang
58xxxxxxxx (+66) 53 851 478 – 86 Ext. 7221 James D. Hightower
57xxxxxxxx (+66) 53 851 478 – 86 Ext. 7221 Dr. Seamus T. Lyons
N/A (+66) 53 851 478 – 86 Ext. 7221 Dr. Khukrit Osathanunkul
N/A (+66) 53 851 478 – 86 Ext. 7221 Dr. Derrick L. Anderson

GE Course Offerings

1 GE101 The Path to Wisdom 3 (2-2-5)
2 GE106 Logic and Mathematics for Daily Living 3 (3-0-6)
3 GE112 Peach and Aesthetics of Life 3 (3-0-6)
4 GE121 Thai I 3 (3-0-6)
5 GE122 Thai II (Pre: GE122 Thai I) 3 (3-0-6)
6 GE124 Thai IV (Pre: GE123 Thai III) 3 (3-0-6)
7 GE125 Thai V (Pre: GE124 except for Thai native speakers) 3 (3-0-6)
8 GE131 English Reading 3 (3-0-6)
9 GE132 English Listening and Speaking 3 (3-0-6)
10 GE133 English Paragraph Writing 3 (3-0-6)
11 GE134 Research Paper Writing (Prerequisite: GE 133 English Paragraph Writing except for English native speakers) 3 (3-0-6)

 IT Course Offerings

1 IIT 102 Foundation Mathematics for IT (prerequisite: IIT 100)
3 (3-0-6) James D. Hightower
2 IIT 103 Discrete Mathematics (prerequisite: IIT 102) 3 (3-0-6) James D. Hightower
3 IIT 107 Fundamental Physics
3 (2-3-6) James D. Hightower
4 IIT 110 Programming Fundamentals 3 (2-2-5) Dr. Khukrit Osathanunkul
5 IIT 130 Computer Architecture (prerequisite: IIT 101)
3 (3-0-6) Toby Daniel
6 IIT 211 Algorithms and Problem Solving (prerequisite: IIT 220) 3 (2-2-5) Dr. Khukrit Osathanunkul
7 IIT 222 Information Management (prerequisite: IIT 220) 3 (2-2-5) Asst. Prof. Seung Hwan Kang
8 IIT 324 Information Technology and Professional Ethics (prerequisite: IIT221) 3 (3-0-6) Dr. Seamus T. Lyons
9 IIT 341 Human Computer Interaction (prerequisite: IIT 221)
3 (3-0-6) Dr. Seamus T. Lyons
10 IIT 342  Software Engineering (Prerequisite:  IIT 340) 3 (3-0-6) Asst. Prof. Seung Hwan Kang
11 IIT 343 System Integration and Architecture (prerequisite: IIT 340 & 360) 3 (3-0-6) Dr. Derrick L. Anderson
12 IIT 493 Selected Topic in Information Technology II (prerequisite: passed 8 major required courses) 3 (3-0-6) Dr. Seamus T. Lyons
13 IIT 499 Senior Project in Information Technology  (prerequisite: IIT 342) 3 (0-6-3) Asst. Prof. Seung Hwan Kang