In order to ratify a preliminary decision on the matter, it is ordered that the regulations of Payap University regarding the user of the salary scale and the establishment of a 2552 salary scale for Payap employees be official.
2552 Salary Scale and the Establishment of a Salary Scale for Payap Employees
In order for the salary scales for employees of Payap University to be consistent with the polices and auditing procedures of the Foundation of the Church of Christ in Thailand, the following regulations are enacted:
[Sections 1-4 are definitions, including the following:]
“Full-time instructors on the first scale [salary scale 1]” include those who have had contracts with Payap University at least since 2547 (2004), together with personnel who were on contract by that time but who changed status to become instructors after that date.
“Full-time instructors on the second salary scale” include those who have been hired with contracts on or after June 1, 2548 (2005), together with any personnel who were on contract within that period whose status was changed to become full-time instructors.
“Staff on salary scale 1” includes full-time staff who have bad contracts with Payap University during or before 2547 (2004).
“Staff on salary scale 2” includes full-time staff who have had contracts with Payap University during the 2548 academic year and after.
“Support staff and personnel” refers to those staff and personnel who are not general staff.
“General staff and personnel” refers to employees who have responsibility as drivers, gardeners, housekeepers, cooks in dormitories who are not heads of kitchens (chiefs), and those with other titles which the university might designate.
“Full-time personnel” refers to instructors on salary scale 1, instructors on salary scale 2, staff on salary scales 1 and 2, but not including those who the university has hired for specified periods of time for projects or those whose contracts are for specified periods of time.
“Base salary adjustment” refers to an adjustment of the base salary to bring it in accord with the accounting procedures of units and institutions of the Church of Christ in Thailand and the Foundation of the Church of Christ in Thailand (revised 2009 version of the salary scale and position stipend), but does not include professional stipends [e.g. for those with professional licenses or cerficates(R.N.,R.Pharm., etc.)], livelihood assistance stipends [e.g. special funds to assist in times of economic hardship], administrative stipends [e.g. extra allowances for those carrying administrative responsibilities (e.g. deans, directors, etc.)] or other money of a similar type paid to employees by the university.
“Former salary scale (2548)” refers to the salary scale enacted in 2548 (2005).
“New salary scale (2552)” refers to the salary scale as of 2552 (2009).
Section 5
The university shall designate a new salary scale beginning as of the start of the 2552 (2009) academic year.
Instructors on Salary Scale 2 who has been considered for salary increases in accordance with the criteria for evaluation of performance [merit] for the year, if there salaries are at the full level stipulated in the new salary scale (2552) in accordance with their educational levels when they were hired, they shall receive increases of one level, and when their salary is at the top of the scale they shall not be considered for further increases, except when they have acquired titles as specialists according to established title structure of the university they shall be advanced to the next level and no further consideration of salary increases will be considered.
In case in which instructors on Salary Scale 2, who has been considered for salary increases in accordance with the criteria for performance [merit] evaluations for the year of the university, and have already received salary increase, if they are at the full salary in accordance with the old salary scale (2548) in accordance with their educational levels when they were hired, they shall receive increases of one level and when they are at the top of the scale they shall not be considered for further increases, except when they have required titles as specialists according to the established title structure of the university they shall be advanced to the next level and no further consideration of salary increases will be considered.
Section 6
The base salaries shall be adjusted in accordance with the steps and level of 2548, and further in accordance with the new scale of 2552 within three years as follows:
(1) During the 2552 (2009) academic year the salaries of those with personnel status at Payap University o the 2552 list will be adjusted in accordance with their performance evaluations for the year when the evaluation for the year has been completed, and will be adjusted as of June 1009 in accordance with the old salary scale by:
(a) For those at leave 3 and above, salaries will be raised by 4 steps for everyone as long as their performance evaluations do not bring them above step 12.
(b) For those at level 1 and 2, salaries will be raised by 7 steps for everyone as long as their performance evaluations do not bring them above step 15.
(2) During the subsequent academic years the salaries, for those who are full-time personnel of Payap University during those academic years, in accordance with their annual performance evaluations when they are finalized, shall be adjusted as determined by the university, insofar as the total cumulative increases are not more than 12 steps for those at level and above and not greater than 15 steps for those at levels 1 and 2.
(3) By the year 2555 (2012) everyone with full-time status as personnel of Payap University of shall have salaries on the new salary scale of 2552 at a level that is not less than their salaries would have been on the old salary scale by the year 2554 (2011).
(4) Anyone who is relieved of their status as personnel of Payap University during any one of the years of transition from the old to the new salary scales shall have their salary adjustment arrested as of that year without necessarily completing the full adjustment increase, and their salary as of that final year will be considered their terminal salary as they leave the university’s employment.
Section 7
In case a person is on the Salary Scale 1 has a salary adjustment, if that person then has a salary of 36,600, or if a person in any circumstance at all has a salary of 26,100, their salary shall be adjusted up to the next level on the old salary scale first, and then their salary ceiling shall be calculated in accordance with Section 6 although the salary need not be equivalent to the salary levels in Section 5, paragraph 4. In such cases there will be no consideration of adjustments during the years 2552 to 2554 and the salary levels and steps will not proceed as outlined in the old salary scale.
Section 8
Personnel who are not considered for salary increases because they are pursuing further evaluation full-time, for the time that they are not up to the standard salary increases for their work in a year, or those who are being subjected to university disciplinary action, when their base salaries are adjusted according to the procedures in Section 6, only their base salaries will be in accordance with the new salary scale (2552).
Section 9
The President has the final authority to adjudicate the items in this regulation and has the authority to interpret and make determinations to conduct the matters in an orderly fashion.
Announced on August 22, 2009
Signed by Dr. Amnuay Tapingkae
Acting Charir of the Payap Board of Trustees