Policy Concerning Knowledge Management to Develop an Institute into a Payap University Knowledge Management Institute

Payap University will enhance knowledge management in organizations at every level to create a knowledge management organization using principles of knowledge management for development and application in practice, for development of personnel, and for development of units at all levels creating opportunities for knowledge exchange between faculty/officials and university stakeholders push forward  the processing of knowledge to be an ordinary part of work and to connect knowledge which is intercepted using technology to store information to be used in dissemination and development.


1. The committee on knowledge management has divided the areas of knowledge to be managed into the categories of Payap University’s 8 ministries, namely:

  • Internationalization
  • Instruction
  • Research
  • Student Development
  • Conservation of Arts and Culture
  • Religious Affairs and Public Relations
  • Academic Service to the Community
  • Adaministration

Note: The basic knowledge matters that must be accounted for each academic year must include at least instruction and research.

2. The committee on knowledge management assigns aspects of knowledge to the supervisors to make a knowledge plan under the basic heading each is responsible for, together with faculties and units.

Note: Supervisors/faculties/units are able to make knowledge management plans in secondary categories in additional to the basic heading as there is interest.

3. Supervisors/units submit their knowledge management plans for which they are responsible to the Administrative Committee and the Committee on Knowledge Management to be assembled into a knowledge management plan for the university.

4. Faculties/units operate under their knowledge management plans and intercepts knowledge acquired from operating in order to disseminate to the community.

5. Faculties/units evaluate operations under the plan for knowledge management and summaries the findings for the supervisors.

6. Supervisors submit the operational results of the knowledge management plan to the Administrative Committee.

7. The Committee on Knowledge Management assembles the results of operations from all sectors to compile a cumulative picture for operating the knowledge management plan of the university in the future.


A KM flow-chart

Signed by the President

December 7, 2010