Policy Setting for the Institution

Graduation Policy: Graduation shall be in accordance with the standards for higher education for the nation, and in accord with the development of Payap University graduates with life qualities, so that the graduates can be a valuable resource for the nation.

Research Policy: Emphasis is on knowledge and innovation that would be useful in developing society and the nation, giving importance to the economic development of the Northern region.

Academic Services to Society Policy: Emphasis should be on providing academic service to disseminate knowledge, research and innovation as a basis for social development.

Art and Cultural Preservation Policy: Emphasis is on conversation, development, dissemination and promotion of local arts and culture and lovely  traditions in order to preserve the character of localities in sustainable ways.

Management Policy: Administrative management shall use humane and sound management principles to develop work, people, and institutions to prosper and thrive.

Individual Personal Policy: Nurturing people to fulfillment in four areas, namely: academic advancement, love of development, ethical good will, willingness to serve society, with an emphasis on truth and service on the foundation of faith and practice on Christian principles.

Internationalization Policy: emphasis on conducting education leading to internationalization, toward global awareness, and educational networking in the Greater Mekon Region, South East Asia, and other regions of the world.

In effect as of October 6, 2010.

Signed by Dr. Boonratna Boayen