Unit: Graduation Qualification Unit

Telephone: 0-5385-1478 Ext. 368


1. Students check the specified period on the academic calendar.
2. Students can download the forms relevant to graduation expectation on e-Registrar (http://reg.payap.ac.th).
2.1. “Request for Graduation (Bachelor’s Degree)” (PYU 0221/5/40/49)
2.2. “Data Checking Report in Semester of Thesis Enrollment or Written Comprehensive Examination (Master’s Degree)” (PYU 0221/5/1/50)
3. Check information in “STUDENT BIOGRAPHY” menu on e-Registrar (http://reg.payap.ac.th). Print it out and certify by signing your name.
4. Check information in “GRADUATION CHECK” menu on e-Registrar (http://reg.payap.ac.th) (Choose “PATTERN 1: DISPLAY PROGRAM STRUCTURE”). Print it out and certify by signing your name.
5. Consider approving from academic advisors.
6. Pay for the graduation information fee at the Finance Office.
7. Present the form to have your photos taken which will be kept in “STUDENT BIOGRAPHY” at the
Registration and Educational Services Office.
8. Submit the form to the Graduation Qualification Unit.
Remark: For their own benefit, students are required to check the correctness of their personal information displayed on e-Registrar. If any incorrect information is found, they must inform to have it corrected, especially the spelling of their first/last names (Thai-English) which must be similar to those on their ID cards or passport. Any correction cannot be made once the Registration and Educational Services Office has already proposed the graduates’ list to Payap University Board of Trustees.